Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Here I go….. Again posting an article almost after a long gap of 23 months….phew….The topic that I have chosen to write this time around is “CONNECTION”…

It took almost 2 years for the Get Set Go moment…but the CONNECTION with the ONE who matters the most was always On and On and On……

Just listening to the word CONNECTION it raises goose bumps in me….then it may be with any body...

In this age of Tweets, Re Tweets and Posts on Walls if Connection is not there then you are no longer there literally you are GONE!!

If you see your life closely, then you are connected with some one or other in Your own special way…Even if the person is close or far you can still feel that “CONNECTION” if U want to feel it!!!

Wikipedia defines the word CONNECTION as – “A way of specifying a derivative of a geometrical object along a vector field on a manifold.”

But in a layman’s language it’s something more relative than above definition…

So what is that connects people?

Is it the common things you have with them?
Is it the Similarities?
Is it the similar DISLIKES?
Is it the way you Think?
Is it the way you Live?
Is it the Way you Dress Up?
Is it the Music you Like?
Is it the Food you Like?
Is it the Fashion Sense you Like?


May be all of the above or more than that…

But what matters the most is the Skill with which you can keep the Connection Going…for instance take the case of two best friends who know each other inside out, but if one fine day suppose person ‘A’ says something in anger or frustration to person ‘B’ and if that is not taken well by person ‘B’ then it does not take even a mini second to break the bonding and the Connection goes for a complete toss…haven’t we seen this in our day to day lives?

For me the Connection should be Unbeatable, Unshakeable, and the one which will stand through tough times. Anyways its so easy to support each other when all things are going Rosy Rosy, Mushy Mushy but when things go Honkey Donkey then no one sees each other…its so strange and unfair, the Connection that one has built up needs to be Exhibited in such tough times, but it completely goes for a toss..

So now the challenge is how to maintain this Connection?

For this some reverse thinking may help, I feel for starters it is to be understood why one needs to be Connected and with Whom?

WHY – So that U are not left alone in this huge world at the time you need someone…So that U don’t get lost in your own misery…So that U don’t bother about the downs of life…So that U don’t get bored with Your own company.

WHOM – This is definitely the most important part, well it should be definitely with some one who will be with U even when the time is tough, when U are in Roaming Zone or when U are completely Discharged…rather I would even go to an extend and say the One who stays Connected even with out a HANDSET….just set UR Heart and Go On and On and On….

Really if U see in this world, U are Connected with every little thing in the creation, in this way U are Connected to the Trees, Birds and Animals too. U can actually feel that Connection when U are Completely Hollow and Empty from Inside…

Now another challenge that arises is, how to remain Hollow and Empty from Inside when the world out is so Shallow and Filled up with negativity…Well that again depends on person to person. Different people have different ways to chillax. Some find hanging out makes them relax, while some get engrossed too much into their daily routine and hence they don’t have time to think anything else. Whatever it is, saving UR Mind at any cost is the key factor.

Mind can’t be controlled from thinking anything, but definitely it can be cultivated into some creative activities and welfare of people around. The company of friends, people that you keep around you is very very very damn important. As it makes U or breaks U completely.

One interesting aspect over here is that, as we grow in our life, we move on to different places, we undertake different tasks, we change our outlook towards life, we meet different people. Now not always do all people behave in a fixed pattern with you.. Different people behave differently, but if U get swayed away by them, then again U feel lost out with the Connection that U want to have. Moreover I truly and firmly believe in the fact that people come in to your life have a specific role to play. Some people teach U a hard lesson, Some people Uplift U, Some people guide U, Some people make U Strong, Some people Irritate U, Some people make U feel Jealous, Some people Love U and Some Hate U…The problem begins when we forget their role and get stuck in with them. If you got to save your mind from people the best way is to realize the fact that they are just here to play their role in YOUR movie called as YOUR LIFE!! They will do it and walk away from it too.

The next thing that keeps your mind at bay is the Situations that U are in your life. Well again the best way to get out of it is to realize that, Everything is going to change so this situation in your life will also change. So no point in building castles in the air when you are too happy and jumping up and down and also no point in getting depressed when the situation is pathetic.

After People and Situations the next immediate is the Things that you possess or don’t!! It happens many times that when someone gets something then U want to have the same thing, in spite of the fact that U need it or not. So here again the trick to save your mind is to realize that Desire whether fulfilled or unfilled leads to frustration!!

Well I could go On & On & On…but really can there be end to this topic called as Connection??!! Certainly not with me!!! Well for me it will happen when I breathe out my last breath..

P.S. -à>> the above post is dedicated to all those who have touched my life in some way or the other till date!! May U all Prosper in your lives and make other people around U happy…and keep them CONNECTED!!!!

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